The reckless Smiling Buddha.

The Smiling Buddha - code name for India's first successful nuclear bomb test on 18 May 1974 - ironical and yet caustic, since Buddha would have never endorsed such an act. Buddha may have frowned and scowled over the Indian nuclear initiative but smile, he would never have. The so-called "peaceful nuclear explosion" is itself ironical; how can a nuclear explosion be termed peaceful! The Indian nuclear initiative - Smiling Buddha - did spark an urge within Pakistan to indulge itself in a similar nuclear pursuit, not only to secure itself against Indian hegemonic designs but also to save itself from India's will, threat and wrath in any future conflict.

An unbiased and unequivocal analysis of the history of South Asia reveals that India is responsible for instigating a relentless, unbridled and intemperate arms race in South Asia; India developed its nuclear programme and Pakistan followed; India developed sophisticated ballistic missiles, Pakistan responded by developing its own missile programme; when India conducted Pokhran-II tests, Pakistan duly responded by conducting its own nuclear blasts; India gave vent to its Cold Start doctrine, Pakistan followed suit by developing tactical nuclear missiles; and now that India is developing its ballistic missile defence (BMD) cum shield, Pakistan is sure to respond either by developing programmes which compromise the missile shield or thus ending up developing its own missile shield. It is a never-ending race - a security dilemma and a nightmare at the same time which imperil the complete region. In a nutshell, it is a zero-sum game which promotes instability in the region. Pakistan's nuclear programme is more of a force multiplier for its conventional forces and act as a force equaliser in reaction to India's hegemonic designs. This force equaliser is against a much bigger and militarily superior adversary which has anarchical and chaotic designs to achieve Akhand Bharat; an ever-longing desire based on Chanakya's philosophy which is very much endorsed by the current BJP-led Hindutva fascist regime.

The civil nuclear deal between US and India does give a qualitative and quantitative edge to India, which may have been realised by the US analysts and would have been quite conclusive had the equation only involved India and China. Yet there is another equation which involves India and Pakistan and in this regard fulcrum has shifted towards India. To add another dimension and adding flare to arms...

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