KARACHI -- The potential of a film to reshape societal norms and alter perspectives is often overlooked while research shows that movies have the ability to enhance our emotional intelligence and foster stronger social connections. Psychologists have delved into the correlation between fictional dramas and our emotional states, shedding light on this intriguing connection. In addition to stimulating emotions, films have the power to immerse audiences in a diverse range of feelings, exposing them to a fresh outlook on life. Films not only serve as an invaluable platform for filmmakers, producers, and communicators to raise awareness on crucial issues or causes, they also ignite profound thought and process transformations by captivating the hearts and minds of audiences.

Then there are also films that exploit the susceptibility of viewers, shamelessly parade misinformation, spread negativity, and promote a discourse of hate. Regrettably, The Kerala Story (TKS) finds itself ensnared within this lamentable category as it unapologetically traverses a treacherous path, weaving a fabricated tapestry of malice that inevitably ignites controversy about Muslims and Islam.

Disappointed and disgruntled, one acknowledges the deliberate attempt by TKS to needlessly portray Islam in a sinister light, devoid of any semblance of authenticity in today's Islamophobic world. In its quest for sensationalism, the film intensively magnifies the negative aspects of this venerable religion [as all religions are respectable], generating discord and division among its audience. Films of this nature that fixate on hate speech and unilaterally present the darker facets of any culture, religion, or nation, can hardly be deemed as having any artistic merit, because they serve as nothing more than vehicles for insidious propaganda.

In its essence, TKS is a cautionary tale, and a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk when artistic integrity is sacrificed at the altar of propaganda. The depths to which TKS stoops is truly disheartening. Instead of employing a nuanced and insightful approach to storytelling, the film relies on crude caricatures and blatant misrepresentations. It shamelessly panders to base instincts, preying on the fears and biases of its viewers.

Controversy sells, so will TKS

Controversy is a powerful tool in the world of cinema, as it tends to generate considerable attention and entice audiences. It's an undeniable reality that movies associated with...

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