Dwindling bird migration.

The decline in the number of migratory birds visiting Punjab from Siberia is a distressing sign that should not be ignored. These winged visitors have been an integral part of Pakistan's natural heritage, bringing joy to birdwatchers and contributing to the ecological balance. The recent survey conducted by the Punjab Wildlife's research centre highlights the urgent need to address the factors leading to the decrease in their population.

Water scarcity and pollution, along with uncontrolled hunting in wetlands, have emerged as key contributors to this decline. Furthermore, pollution has inflicted significant damage on these delicate ecosystems. Industrial waste, agricultural runoff and untreated sewage have contaminated the water bodies, rendering them uninhabitable for these migratory birds and disrupting the entire food chain. To address these issues, the government must prioritise the conservation of migratory birds and take immediate action to reverse their decline. Strict enforcement of environmental laws is crucial to ensure that wetlands are protected from pollution and illegal activities such as hunting. Investing in...

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