Changing the political culture.

The highly confrontational and unbecoming conduct of political parties across the political spectrum should be a matter of serious concern for all those who have any sensitivity toward the well-being of this country. The decay is not confined in politics alone, it covers every major institution and its elites. Are we even conscious of it and giving serious thought as to how and why we all have sunk so low? By our deeds and conduct we are defeating the very concept of Pakistan. Jinnah visualised a separate homeland for majority Muslim areas of pre-partition India that would enable Muslims to live a life of dignity and adopt values and beliefs that are compatible with Islamic and universal values. And in this environment, they would have an opportunity of maximising their potential for personal and common good of the nation and keep them united.

The reality, however, is just the opposite. Real concern is that due to waywardness of our leaders the country has largely lost its soul, direction and ability for self-correction. And there is hardly any consciousness among them as to how fast is the decline. Meanwhile, the world is not standing still. On the contrary it is moving at an exponential pace with the help of technology and major advancements in science. Countries of South Asia, especially India, is aiming at being the fourth largest economy in the near future. Bangladesh too has improved its economy and taken effective measures to reduce its population growth. While we have not been able to keep pace with the standards of South Asian countries and remain deeply mired in aimless and self-defeating activities. In these circumstances the primary task before the leadership at every level should be to arrest this decline and work toward creating a peaceful and enabling environment for the present and future generations. As a first move, the political parties should bring normality in their functioning as is expected in a democratic environment. Parliament and not streets or media should be the focal institution for addressing national issues and resolving differences. Speeches and demonstrations full of hate and rancor are self-defeating and great disservice to the people. Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman's move to demonstrate his street power by assembling thousands in front of the judiciary and parliament may satisfy his ego but would only serve to further destabilise the country and add to the woes of the people. By creating an environment of...

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