Pakistan launches guidelines for implementation of UNSC 1267 sanctions.

style="font-weight: 400ISLAMABAD: Guidelines for the Implementation of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC 1267) sanctions were launched at Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday. style="font-weight: 400The guidelines have been prepared by the National Committee for overseeing implementation of Sanctions against individuals and entities designated by the UN Security Council 1267 Al Qaida /Da'esh Sanctions regime and Security Council 1988 (Taliban Sanctions regime).

A large number of representatives of the federal and provincial governments including those of financial institutions, law enforcement, and other implementing agencies attended the event. style="font-weight: 400Launching the Guidelines, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua underscored thatPakistanhad managed to turn the tide in the fight against terrorism for which there were no parallels.

It was important to further consolidate these gains through full implementation of National Action Plan. style="font-weight: 400Pakistanalso had to be mindful of fulfilling its international legal obligations, including the implementation of the UNSC Sanctions which have been adopted...

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