PAF's relationship with Iqbal.

It is rather surprising that the person who has most profoundly influenced the ethos of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is neither an aviation guru nor a military genius. This unique honour belongs to Dr Muhammad Iqbal, whose poetry is a constant source of inspiration for the PAF and its personnel. While he is commonly regarded as the national poet of Pakistan, the appeal of Iqbal's poetry cuts across geographical and even ideological bounds. The universality of Iqbal can be gauged from the fact that his philosophy is embraced by conservatives, modernists, and socialists with the same passion. But a rare attribute of Iqbal's poetry is its lasting influence on the ideals of a fighting service like the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). As we celebrate Iqbal's 145th birth anniversary this month, it would be worthwhile to refresh his message in the context of PAF.

Iqbal, in the...

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