As the Esteemed President of Turkmenistan emphasizes, the chosen national model and neutrality are one of the factors for ensuring favorable external conditions for the sustainable development of our country. Economic, political and humanitarian foundations of permanent neutrality are enshrined in the law of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, according to which democratic transformations are carried out in our country and the national economy is successfully developing.

Due to its neutral status and adherence to its principles, the economy of our country is developing dynamically, including the improvement of the education system. Today, in the prosperous Epoch of powerful stateby preserving values accumulated in previous stages of its historical development, adapting available educational infrastructure to new economic and socio-cultural relations in the conditions of the transition to the market economy, approaching its national education system to international standards, along with visible gains in social and economic development Turkmenistan also scores significant success in raising its intellectual potential.

As is generally known literacy level is one of the main indicators of intellectual potential of any society. Therefore it is not accidental that this indicator is traditionally used as one of three components of human development index (HDI) that serves as an integral indicator used by UN since 1990s for interstate comparisons. It is possible to state the fact that the higher the level of education the faster the society reaches its progress. Technical progress, introduction of new modem technologies to the production process which mean overall economic growth depend on the level of population's education 2 It is possible to illustrate the importance of education in any society regardless of time and social order by historical facts.

For example, Wilhelm von Humboldt who first defended the idea of stable state support to universities during invasion of Napoleon's army into the German states. Working on the reformation of the Prussian education system he first established Berlin University in 1810. It is possible to provide example front the history of US higher education when President F. Roosevelt decided to support universities during the years of great depression. Ultimately this decision helped the country to survive crisis and reach global leadership in organization of modem production and science intensive technologies...

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