B.otgontuvden: Mongolian Masterpieces Born of Russian Technique

The Repin Academy of Fine Arts, located in St. Petersburg, Russia, was established in 1757. A Mongolian painter became connected to the academy and started to learn Russian fine art methods 60 years ago. Now, more than 60 artists have graduated from the academy. One of them is the artist B.Otgontuvden.

Otgontuvden defended his artwork with an “excellent mark”, and for his painting mastery he received a diploma for “Best Artwork” from the Board of Directors of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts. We reported on the opening of B.Otgontuvden’s exhibition at the 976 Art Gallery on August 15. Among over 30 artworks, his giant graduation work, “Scuffle for Mussuek”, was displayed in the exhibition.

Here is an interview with B.Otgontuvden, teacher at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture and Architecture, and member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, from Today daily newspaper.

-You displayed your two diploma works which are 4×2 meters in size.

-We have to create three diploma works when we graduate from the academy. One of those was left at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts and now I have two artworks. Shanghai Gallery suggested that I sell those two artworks, and I told them a high price. My teachers told me, “Your artwork will be your calling card”. That’s why I decided to leave them in Mongolia.

-Mongolians do not know about the distinctive painting classes at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts. You are working as a tutor. When will you become a full time instructor?

-Students are divided into ateliers after graduating their second course. Four teachers work with seven to eight students in an atelier the size of a sport hall. Their three lessons are thought sketch, heliochromy and composition. Two teacher’s of my atelier are around 80 years old. My youngest teacher’s age is around 60, so I am considered a child. Three to four students who graduated with me are working as tutors now.


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