Good Bye 2021.

Byline: Imtiaz Rafi Butt

The year 2021 was nothing short of revolutionary and historical in multiple facets. In various areas of life, events took place that have a lasting effect on the fate of humanity and the planet for decades. 2021 was a year that was reminiscent of the human condition; a convoluted amalgam of pessimism with optimism, hope with fear, death and life, darkness and light. The major narrative that comes out sends a message for future generations, that even when there is injustice, suffering and challenges in the world and in our home country, there are people who are bearers of light, there are professions that are seeking the cure, and with the right mind set, it is within grasp. Looking back, 2021 showed up the new avenues of improvement and success and what lies beneath if we fail.

On an International level, the year started with two major events. The height of the covid-19 pandemic and the U.S presidential election. Failure during the pandemic, record level deaths in the U.S contributed towards the downfall of the Trump administration. On the finalization of results, Trump supporters stormed the White house and the whole world saw, the strongest democracy of the West, reduced to ashes at the hands of hooligans and white-supremacist thugs. It was an event that will haunt the U.S and the Republicans for decades. All this while the health systems in U.S, Europe and the U.K failed miserably. Deaths mounted in the thousands and infection rates overwhelmed the hospitals. All this was happening amid news of vaccinations being introduced, trying to achieve maximum adult populations before they reached ICUs. 2021 was a race against time across the world.

On the other hand, poorer countries were able to cope with the pandemic congruent to their discipline. Loss of control in public gatherings and not following covid social guidelines lead to a catastrophe in India. Around April, India and Delhi in particular lead to a number of deaths that were unprecedented. Oxygen cylinders went short. Hospitals were overrun. Funeral pyres filled the sky with smoke across many Indian cities. It was a scene of horror and soul searching, when even Pakistan offered help, amid the worst pandemic scenarios in any country. Similar scenes were seen in France, Italy, Mexico, Spain and African countries. Slowly, the vaccines took hold and the number of deaths dwindled. On the eve of new year, one banner in Delhi read "ajeeb saal tha, kissi ke sapne ley...

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