Financial support needed.

I am writing to bring to your atAtention a critical concern that demands immediate action. DeAspite the dedicated efforts of indiAviduals like Irshad Arif, who estabAlished a thalassemia care centre in Kech, Balochistan, our region faces a severe lack of financial support for thalassemia care facilities.

In 2019, Irshad Arif initiated a much-needed care center in Kech, Balochistan, with the aim of providAing essential services to those afAfected by thalassemia. Despite his significant achievement of setting a national record by collecting 400 units of blood in a single day at MainAaz Buleeda, government support has been alarmingly scarce. While Gwadar's centre receives some supAport, similar centres in Balochistan are left to operate independently, reAlying solely on the hard work and dedication of their chairmen.

This lack of financial backing not only hampers the...

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