Don't Cry Palestina.

Byline: Lt Gen Asad Durrani

It was not the first time that the Palestinians had hit out in frustration. The Israelis too have always hit back with their full military might. Condemnations of, and expressing support for, either side follow a predictable pattern. Hamas may have sprung a huge surprise - yes, even the best Intelligence systems can be so deceived - and executed the first phase with elan and meticulous planning, but if it had also thought through and had some more tricks up its sleeve for the expected aftermath; I've no idea. Moreover, there is little chance that the countries that were expected to have the credibility and clout to intercede - China, Russia, Egypt, Qatar; even Turkey and Saudi Arabia - could do very much to prevent the escalation. The Israeli past tried and tested ways, but more so its present domestic environment and support from its patrons would blunt any such attempt.

Another aspect that was predictable - governments of the Islamic World and organisations like 'Oh I See' would not go beyond some symbolic statements. In this round, even that would have been rather lame - what with all these Abrahamic Accords (mercifully stalled, if not buried), and the fact that most Arab governments are so scared of the likes of Hamas that they would rather seek help from the Jewish state than come in its way. Iran would certainly like to do something but then Qum's ways remain a bit mysterious.

I don't think I've any business in telling other countries what course would serve their interests the best. If they were not paying any heed to the sentiments of their own people, they were unlikely to be impressed by my advice. I could however rightfully take my own countrymen to task, but still had no intentions to waste my time and breath - except when an old friend shook me out of my blissful resignation.

The question is legitimate. We were once known to have responded to all the SOS calls. It's quite possible that we have now concluded that helping extinguish faraway fires was not doing us much good, and therefore have stepped back from foreign ventures. No harm in reviewing our worldview if we keep in mind that though all countries take their own course in pursuit of their national aims, over the long run only those who take their people's will and traditional traits into account.

Germany offers the classic case of ultimately finding the prescription that suited its genius. It tried the colonial path chartered by its European...

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