Diversifying economic activities stressed to protect Pakistan's economy from global uncertainties.

ISLAMABAD -- Coordinator to Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Meher Kashif Younis on Thursday said diversification of economic activities across various sectors including technology, renewable energy, agriculture, healthcare and manufacturing can shield Pakistan from the uncertainties of global markets.

Speaking at a seminar on 'The importance of diversification in economic growth' held here under the aegis of Gold Ring Economic Fourm, a strategic think tank, he said as Pakistan continues to navigate the complexities of the international economy, diversification can prove to be a pivotal strategy for sustainable growth and resilience, said a news release here.

He said in today's interconnected world, economies are increasingly interdependent. By investing in diverse sectors, we can mitigate risks associated with economic downturns in specific industries.

He said more over, diversification fosters innovation and entrepreneurship. Encouraging a wide range of industries not only creates job opportunities but also nurtures a culture of creativity and adaptability.

Innovation is a driving force behind economic...

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