Digital learning.

Digital learning plays a signifAicant role in today's era. DigAital learning encompasses the use of technologies such as moAbile phones, computers, and edAucational apps that provide vast amounts of information. In the past, people referred to books and dedicated numerous hours to gaining knowledge, but in toAday's era, digital learning has taken precedence, particularly in recent years.

During the pandemic, digiAtal learning has had a signifiAcant impact. Students and adults alike continued their studies and work through online eduAcational apps, courses, and virAtual meetings. Digital learnAing breaks down the barriers of time and location, allowing us to learn at our own pace and style. Moreover, digital learning has become a remarkable tool in toAday's world, empowering indiAviduals to acquire knowledge and skills in a modern and accesAsible way. It offers flexible and convenient...

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