Dialogue on role of youths in positive changes in Northern Sindh.

Byline: Mir Hassan Phulpoto

KHAIRPUR -- A dialogue on the topic of 'Role of Youths in Positive Changes in Northern Sindh' was held at Kojhi Hall, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur which was organized by Bhittai Social Watch and Advocacy (BSWA) and SALU under the project of 'Peace Talks and Dialogue Series at SALU'. Ms. Maria Makhdoom Lecturer, Department of Sociology SALU speaking on the occasion said, 'Youth is the building block of our country. The role of youth is very important for positive changes. They can bring about energy for the development of society. No society can ever progress without the active participation of energetic youth. Dr. Santosh Kumar, Chairman, Department of Sociology SALU appreciated BSWA and SALU for arranging such project at university level. He shedding light on the topic said, 'Youth is empowered and equipped with education. He should...

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