D.M. Textile Mills Limited Seeks PSX Support Amidst Economic Challenges.

Karachi -- In a recent development, D.M. Textile Mills Limited has submitted its quarterly progress report under PSX Regulation 5.11.2(b) for the quarter ending 30 September 2023. The report highlights the company's efforts to navigate the challenging economic and political environment.

Despite facing increasing economic and political challenges, D.M. Textile Mills Limited has been committed to utilizing its available resources effectively. One notable achievement is the company's successful repayment of all long-term liabilities owed to banks, marking a significant milestone in its financial recovery journey.

However, the company is currently grappling with limited income, making it difficult to cover day-to-day expenses. Despite these financial constraints, the management remains optimistic and determined to revitalize the company, provided there is an improvement in the overall business environment.

Expressing concern over their current situation...

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