Cold weather.

When exposed to the cold, your body can lose heat faster than it can be produced. This can lead to cold-related illness or even death. Cold-related illness includes many health problems such as hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, or chilblains, that occur when the body becomes too cold.

Viral Infection

The common cold is a viral infection that primarily affects the nose and throat passages , it is caused by various viruses that is Rhino viruses, rhinoviruses being the most common culprit infects your body's immune system.


Stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, sore throat and sometimes a low grade fever.

How to become strong enough to fight common cold sickness?

The most natural way of getting it is via sunlight. Vitamin D in sunlight helps in reducing upper respiratory tract infections. You will get more vitamin D from getting more sunlight vitamin D helps immune system in fighting bacteria and viruses

Improves your sleep. Your body creates a hormone called melatonin that is critical to help you in sleep

Reduces stress

Maintains strong bones

Helps keep the weight off

Strengthens your immune system

Fights off depression

Can give you a longer life


Practice some form of rituals and meditation. Exercise out door for at least 20 minutes each morning.


Sun has certain spectrum of light near infrared that is different from ultra violet...

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