Child Safety.

In a world where our attention is often divided among numerous pressing issues, President Dr. Arif Alvi's call for enhanced collaboration among civil society, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and government departments to address the heart-wrenching problem of abducted and missing children is a much-needed reminder of our collective responsibility. It's a call that should resonate with every citizen, for the protection and safety of our children are paramount.

The President's emphasis on implementing the Zainab Alert Response and Recovery Act (ZARRA) 2020 throughout the nation is a crucial step towards ensuring the well-being of our children. This legislation, designed to expedite the response to cases of missing children, serves as a beacon of hope for the countless families whose lives have been shattered by the unimaginable pain of a missing child.

However, the effectiveness of this legislation is only as strong as the awareness surrounding it. The ZARRA Act should not be a well-kept secret; it should be a household name. To achieve this, the importance of prompt police response must be emphasised, and the availability of the '1099' helpline should be widely known. These resources are lifelines for families in distress, and it is our collective duty to ensure they are accessible to all.

Another crucial aspect is providing psychosocial...

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