Byco not responsible for oil spill near Mubarak village.

After a thorough investigation, the Balochistan Environmental Protection Agency (BEPA) has confirmed that Byco Petroleum Pakistan Ltd. (BPPL) had absolutely no leakage or loss of containment from any of its facilities. This has been further confirmed also by the Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA). BEPA and PMSA had conducted their investigation starting October 25, including conducting aerial survey to determine the source of the leakage that washed up on the shores of Mubarak Village. Their findings showed no evidence of leakage at Byco's facilities.

As part of its own investigation, Byco tested a sample of the oil found at the site and found it to be bunker oil, which is not produced at Bycois refinery, nor at any other refinery in Pakistan. Bunker oil is used by ships as fuel and it is most likely that in this case the bunker oil was dumped by a ship being taken to Gadani for shipbreaking.

Byco has taken strong notice of some unscrupulous elements spreading malicious disinformation that the oil spillage emanated from Byco and has already initiated legal action against these for...

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