Attack or Response?

'Occupiers can only have temporary power, eventually they have to leave. They have to go back somewhere. But men fighting for their homes cannot be defeated. You give them no choice; they must fight you. They have nowhere else to go, nowhere to retreat to.' FBhutto Never have Palestinians succeeded in taking back so much of their land and breaking out of the segregated ghettoes in which Israel had concentrated them. This is possibly the largestever Palestinian liberation operation in modern history. This was not an attack, it was a response! Anyone would fight back after the decades: long process of colonisation, after they have been turned into stateless refugees expelled and concentrated in tiny ghettoes, imprisoned, or killed for daring to resist. For 15 years Israel has besieged Gaza with snipers stationed all around it, drones occupying its skies, 24/7 and new patrols shooting at any fishermen who venture too deep.

If this happened to your city, wouldn't you fight back?

Palestinians didn't 'infiltrate Israel'. Most Gazans are not actually from Gaza.70% of them are from the same surrounding lands they liberated yesterday morning. Israel wiped out and cleansed many Palestinian villages that Israel wiped out and ethically cleansed. Most Gazans are from these places, fighting to return home. Typically, Israeli: held Palestinian hostages are only released through a swap with Israeli prisoners. Hammas has enough Israeli prisoners to free every single Palestinian hostage held by Israelis. The last Hamas: Israel prisoner swap was 1 Israeli soldier for 1027 Palestinians.

Above all the most important historic moment already reshared millions of times online, Palestinian bulldozers have brought down parts of the Israeli wall and fence that surrounds Gaza and traps its residents. This comes as Palestinians have finally regained control of parts of the border, including the crossing in and out of Gaza. This is indeed a...

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