Ahmed Ali Butt, why?

The actor equated the slogan 'Mera jism, meri marzi' to a western campaign that is being exploited locally.

"Mera Jism Meri Marzi" has divided the house.

There are those that say the slogan - fast becoming a marker of the movement this year - promotes promiscuity. But for the women who coined it, the offence lies not in the slogan, but in how centuries of oppressive social structures have taken women's fundamental right to bodily autonomy hostage.

Actor Ahmed Ali Butt, no stranger to controversy, joined in on the anti-slogan campaign.

In an Instagram story he recently posted, Butt equated the slogan as a western campaign that is being exploited locally and that wants to make prostitution legal.

He highlights what he calls the hypocrisy being "sold on social media and how everyone jumps on the # bandwagon."

Butt continues to 'inform' his uninitiated audience that that we shouldn't follow 'trends' and a 'foreign-funded' movement.

This is the same actor, who in his defence, works on media projects based on the same borrowed ideologies that he now claims to be hating on when it comes to women's rights. Now you can see why we can't sit this one out, even though we've just been through this.

To start with, if Butt, who seems to believe that feminism is a 'western' construct, had stepped out of his little bubble, he'd be surprised to find that the grassroots movement, which has slowly been taking shape over many years is a collective of women, different minority groups, and individuals who have mobilised around issues that affect those who don't have the privilege or the opportunity to speak and be heard.

By calling the local women's rights movement 'foreign-funded', Butt has discounted the beauty of organic initiatives that have a larger social resonance.

Secondly, if the actor had only taken the time and effort to research the slogan, which literally means that women want bodily autonomy and have the right, as enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan, to make decisions concerning...

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