Ahmad Hassan Textile Mills Considers Increase in Authorized Share Capital.

Karachi -- Ahmad Hassan Textile Mills Limited is set to hold a Board of Directors meeting on May 30, 2023, in Multan. The primary agenda of the meeting will revolve around discussions regarding the potential increase in the authorized share capital of the company. This move aims to provide the organization with more flexibility and resources to support its future growth strategies.

In light of the upcoming meeting, the company has officially announced a "Closed Period" from May 30 to May 30, 2023. During this duration, no Director, CEO, or Executive of Ahmad Hassan Textile Mills Limited shall engage in any direct or indirect dealings involving the shares of the company. This precautionary measure ensures fair practices and avoids any potential conflicts of interest that may arise due to internal knowledge of the forthcoming decisions.

The increase in authorized share capital signifies the company's...

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