Water scarcity a major challenge in Pakistan.

LAHORE -- In 2023, Pakistan is likely to continue to experience the impacts of climate change, which are expected to become more severe and frequent due to global warming. Pakistan has a warm climate and is located in a region that is highly vulnerable to climate change, and its population is already facing a range of challenges that are linked to climate change. Some of the major effects are: scarcity of water, decline in agriculture, diseases effecting public health and loss of biodiversity. Water scarcity is a major challenge in Pakistan, and it is likely to worsen in 2023. Pakistan reAlies heavily on its major rivers, which are fed by the Himalayan glaciers. HowAever, these glaciers are rapidly melting due to rising temperatures, resulting in reduced water availability for agriculAture, drinking, and other purposes. As a result, Pakistan is likely to face increasAing water stress, which will have severe implications for food security, public health, and the economy. Pakistan is an agricultural country, so agriculture is a major sector of Pakistan's economy, but it is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Changes in precipitaAtion patterns, rising temperatures, and increased frequency of extreme weathAer events such as floods and droughts are causing significant damage to crops, affecting food security and liveAlihoods. This year Pakistan is likely to face more crop failures, reduced yields, and increased food prices, which will have a direct impact on the well-being of our population. Climate change is also likely to have a significant impact on public health in Pakistan in 2023. The increasing frequency and severAity of heatwaves and extreme weather events are expected to lead to a rise in heat-related illnesses, such as...

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