Voice of the People.

Byline: ABDUL BASIT ALVI-Muzaffarabad

People of Pakistan and Pakistanis around the globe celebrate Pakistan Day on 23rd March every year. Alhamdolillah, Pakistan came into being only within 7 years after the passing of the Pakistan Resolution on March 1940 but the assets were not divided transparently and justly. The division of assets at the time of the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 was a complex and contentious process. The process of dividing assets between India and Pakistan was based on the Radcliffe Award.

The Award provided for the division of assets and liabilities between the two countries based on a number of factors, including the location of the asset and their use. The assets were divided into two categories: the 'common pool' assets and the 'separate' assets. The common pool assets included: Armed Forces, Railways and Post and Telegraph services. These were to be divided on a 50-50 basis between India and Pakistan. After much debate, the Air Force reserve command divided, that only 36% was to be given to Pakistan.

The separate assets included: buildings, furniture and other movable property. However, the process of dividing these assets was...

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