The parliament.

Byline: Aslam Minhas - Karachi

THIS is apropos op-ed 'Parliament comes undone' by Arifa Noor (May 19). The piece is quite tickling. British Prime Minister Harold Wilson became leader of the Labour Party when Hugh Gaitskell suddenly died. He was dyed too 'red,' for the Islet; the irony is the USSR was blamed for poisoning him.

Tony Blair acted the way he did as he had carte blanche from the US. Won't be amiss to mention that on the onset of World War II, FDR had recommended that Churchill be the prime minister, even though he was, as he put it, 'drunk all the time'.

Blair was tasked by President George Bush to muster support for the Iraq war. Three heads of state gave Blair quite a dressing down. Jacques Chirac of France told him point blank...

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