Solid waste in Karachi.

Solid waste management is a process that deals with the disposal of solid materials from households, institutions and industrial establishments. Karachi has always been a city with high population density and hence the issue of solid waste management is critical. The population of Karachi is increasing at a rapid rate and therefore the city needs to face the challenge of dealing with its increasing solid waste problem.

The improper management of solid waste poses a serious threat to the environment as well as to human health. This problem needs to be dealt with effectively in order to ensure that the city's natural resources are not depleted and that the health and safety of its citizens are protected.

Pakistan has one of the highest rates of solid waste disposal in the world. However, the problem is not limited to the rural areas of the country. Waste management and disposal are a major problem in many large cities as well. In Karachi, nearly 1,000 tons of solid waste are produced every day and only 40% of it...

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