Pakistan reiterates concern on India's firing of Brahmos missile.

ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan yesterday reiterated its concern over InAdia's irresponsible firing of Brahmos supersonic missile into Pakistani territory last year.

Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra BaAloch in a statement recalled that a year ago, a suApersonic missile Brahmos was fired from SuratAgarh India into Pakistani territory on March 9, 2022. It endangered human life and property and posed a grave threat to regional and international peace, security and stability.

She said Pakistan demonstrated exemplary reAstraint which was a testament of our systemic maAturity and unflinching commitment to peace as a responsible nuclear state.

The irresponsible act by India was in violation of international law, United Nations Charter, Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, civil aviation rules and safety proAtocols. It exposed many loopholes and...

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