Nows the time for intercultural understanding.

Google Maps Check. Top destinations in Marrakech Check. Cheap places to eat Tajine Hold on let me look them up. There check! I have a few days to be the Ibne Battuta of Morocco why not plan ahead' announced my brain before I boarded the plane to Casablanca in order to attend the World Merit Summit. Due to generous fundings from the event organizers I had five days completely to myself before and after the summit.

I had been to three countries before (thanks to funded conferences and my beloved exchange program) so I considered myself relatively aware of the concept of Intercultural Understanding. As I approached the airport border control like John Wick fleeing from his money: fuelled assassins with a sassy power walk a frustrated immigration officer shut me down by his classic two words Passport please.' I handed him my documents; he peeked at them; recognized that I am a Pakistani and turned to me with his piercing eyes.

Welcome my brother! First time in Al: Maghreb (Morocco)' I nodded in agreement. The conversation swiftly changed its course with us talking about the intensity of his job places to buy cheap train tickets and his recommended Moroccan cuisines. That was the first time I had such a friendly conversation with an immigration officer while people behind me devotedly waited for their turns. Fearful of getting punched I let people have their turns; thanked the officer; and ran for my dear life. Next on the list was getting to the hostel.

No English no English!'

French Oui. Arabic . Trouble was that I knew three languages but French or Arabic wasnt one of them. My efforts to communicate directions with the cab driver through Google Translate had little effect thanks to the inefficient internet coverage. But it was a cue: a cue to be adventurous. So I ditched my phone and began to improvise my made: up sign language. It seemed to have worked as I do recall getting out at the right location. Tables had turned when in order to buy milk my impressions of a grown man drinking milk from a feeding bottle turned into a comedy bit; I ended up buying Khubz (Moroccan bread) from the shopkeeper.

I realized that not knowing the local language interestingly put me in a place of advantage. Without words I was able to connect with people on an emotional level : a connection that transcends cultural differences and national...

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