Justice Project Pakistan launches comedy show Mid House Cafe to raise awareness about police torture.

Justice Project Pakistan (JPP), a Lahore-based NGO that works to get justice for prisoners, produced a short comedy show called Mid House Cafe to highlight the need for an anti-torture bill in Pakistan. Taking real life elements of a news panel and conversations amongst politicians, the skit is both funny and insightful.

The show aired on Sunday. "Could a spoonful of humour help pass an anti-torture bill?" the JPP asked.

The caption revealed that the story follows a discussion between a group of politicians during their tea break, just before the vote on an anti-torture bill, peppered by live media coverage and analysis of the developments. "It leads the audience through various layers of discourse by weaving through a talk show, an informal huddle in a cafe and a world online affecting everything. The characters are fictional and an amalgamation of figures from Pakistan's political spectrum and news media landscape," it read.

The mini-website introduces the colourful characters that we see come to life in the show. It has stated that they are fictional and an amalgamation of figures from Pakistan's political spectrum as well as news media landscape. What's great is that not only do they remind you of actual politicians but the representation and variety of characters seem pretty accurate as well. The inclusion of someone from the the Khwaja Sira community was a welcome addition.

The website explains what the cafe is all about: "Welcome to Mid House Cafe! The Mid House Cafe is a cosy place for all parliamentarians, no matter their political leanings, to sit and debate legislative matters together, share memes and...

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