Is this a biological war?

The terror of Corona-virus has left the people in distraught and the activities of daily life are at standstill. Different conspiracy theories are rounding on the social media. China leveled allegations against the USA for bringing this deadly virus to China. On the other hand, some skeptics maintain that this virus is made by China to hit USA. Before addressing the question, is this a biological war or not? We have to focus on a brief history of bio-attacks, types of viruses and signs of viral attack?

Firstly, we shed a light on the brief history of biological-attacks. The Viral war agents can be taken as serious peril to the modern civilization. In 16th Century, a Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro presented viriola-contaminated clothes as gift to the natives of South America that paved the way for dissemination of smallpox epidemic. After that in Indo-French war (1745-67) the commander of British Army Sir Jeffery Amherst approved the use of smallpox as a biological weapon against those Americans who were hostile towards British forces.

Astonishingly, Viral agents remain the part of US and Soviet Union (now Russia)'s store of biological arsenals. A terrible pathogen namely 'Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE)' stocked by the both countries. Furthermore, lethal viruses like 'Marburg' and 'Variola major' were stockpiled by the Soviet Union. In 1959, accidently, vial of freeze-dried VEE dropped by one of the soviet medical personnel that infected almost 20 members of laboratory. Countries keep testing the effectiveness of viruses. In 1970s, a 400g of variola virus was released by the Soviet Union for testing its efficacy in an island (Voz-rozhdeniye). The virus proved to be productive as it infected a laboratory technician who was 15km away from the releasing place. Then, technician transmitted it to some other people and they all were died.

Similarly, in 1992, a religious group 'Aum Shinrikyo' in Japan was found to be planning an Elbola Virus attack and for this purpose 16 doctors and nurses was sent to Zaire (Congo) for acquiring samples and knowledge about the virus. Interestingly, these virus are not only prepared to hurt humans but for animals also. In 1997, a dangerous virus namely 'Calicivirus' was made by some farmers of New Zealand to perish the wild rabbits in south island. A succinct glance at the history of viruses shows that viruses are made and used as a mean of warfare.

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