Heating Systems Malfunction As Winter Arrives

Trans. by B.DULGUUN

The cold weather is becoming more severe every day. Yet, the heating systems of households, offices, schools, and kindergartens have started to malfunction in the capital.

Thermal power stations aren't able to provide an adequate amount of heat to buildings throughout Ulaanbaatar.

Presently, the capital's three coal-fired Thermal Power Plants No.2, No.3, and No.4 supply a total of around 1,555 G/kal of thermal energy to over 6,000 buildings and facilities in the capital through 290.8 km of heating pipeline, according to mad-research.com.

Some kindergartens advised parents to ensure that their children are wearing warm clothes and to bring extra blankets for afternoon naps, as the heating in some kindergartens has been poor. Teachers from Ulaanbaatar's Kindergarten No.157 asked parents to bring extra blankets for their children, according to B.Gereltuya, mother of one of the children at Kindergarten No.157. Kindergarten staff can't be blamed for making this demand, since they're only looking out for the health of the children. The main problem is related to the insufficient infrastructure for heat provision, particularly in outer areas of the city. This issue has become more serious as construction and urban development expands.

The Daily Newspaper visited Kindergarten No.135 in Sukhbaatar District to learn more about the heating provision issues at the kindergarten.

Kindergarten No.135 has 13 classes and 583 children enrolled. Each class has 36 to 37 children. Methodologist at the kindergarten, Ts.Dogsom, stated that the kindergarten insulated its windows and took all necessary measures to prevent heat loss due to sudden cold weather. Children's blankets had been switched to warmer winter blankets, and both teachers and children were spotted in two layers of wool sweaters and trousers. Methodologist Ts.Dogsom pointed out that this year's heating system was functioning poorly compared to last year.

"Even if the heating is poor, to whom would we complain? The state is facing financial problems and the public is living like the Mongolian expression take from the rear skirt and patch it to the front'. We are using the resources we already have in consideration of both sides," expressed Ts.Dogsom.

Cold air breezes through offices, households and kindergartens

Some city residents were asked about the l heating systems at households, kindergartens, and offices to get a clear grasp of the situation.

B.Gereltuya, Bayangol...

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