Governance issues in Pakistan.

Byline: Muhammad Javaid

PAKISTAN is confronted, at present, with a variety of governance issues which have become a hindrance in the smooth and sustainable development of the country. Pakistan needs to review its policies regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of governance at all levels with a serious concern for development and growth in the short term and long term. It is an established fact that poor governance leads to corruption in a number of ways.PTI government seems lack to confidence in bureaucracy and feels that it is not devotee to implement government policies. The governance structure is backbone of any government which transforms ideas, suggestions and policies into reality and actions for public prosperity. In present setup PTI or any other party is unable to implement its manifesto. It requires depoliticized civil servants which is only possible with the structural, rational and competent need based reforms in civil servant structure.The present system is dominated by DMG Group which is responsible for all weakness of the system. DMG role is needed to check. They consider themselves superior than other groups and believe to be fit in every field/ job/ institution. Now time is to get rid of old CSS/PCS system and to develop a good governance system. It is historical fact that DMGs and others groups always tried to increase their quota/share in promotions even in provincial civil services and never bother to improve deliverables.

The concept 'Governance' needs to be defined first as there are numerous descriptions of the term governance. In the next step, it can be evaluated in achieving the desired goals at national level. Good governance is to describe how public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources to implement government policies. Governance is 'the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented)'. The term governance can apply to economic, environment, corporate, international, national, local governance or to the interactions between other sectors of society.

Good governance is a broad term and is difficult to find a unique definition. One way to think about good governance is through deliverables, which are precisely the one demanded by citizens like security, health, education, water, the enforcement of contracts, protection to property, protection to the environment and their ability to vote and get paid fair wages. Similarly, good...

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