For the love of blue gold: an alternative to traditional economy.

PositionOceanic activities - Report

Whenever we think of water the thing which comes in our mind is life representing its importance and enforces me to call all oceanic activities as Blue Gold. Oceans are of great significance for the survival and advancement of societies as they sustain life, connect the world and facilitate development. "The blue planet that humans inhabit is not divided into islands by the oceans, but is connected by the oceans to form a community with a shared future, where people of all countries share weal and woe". Hence peace and tranquility of the oceans is crucial for the security and interests of countries around the world, and this requires joint efforts to maintain and to address common threats and challenges via better consultation and should cherish their oceans as much as we cherish their lives through the formulation and implementation of the maritime governance mechanism and related rules within the United Nations framework and has implemented the goal of sustainable marine development including great importance to enhancing pollution prevention and safeguarding the oceans, protecting marine biodiversity, properly utilizing marine resources and bequeathing clear skies and blue seas to future generations by maintaining security in international waterways that builds a community with a shared future for mankind which requires development of maritime community.

"The oceans' role in national security and development has been on the rise in recent years. As a result, nations around the world will need a new framework or rallying point to reach consensus and handle these issues through peaceful dialogue and cooperation. Maritime security and peace in Asia is often viewed through a traditional security lens, where the main responsibility falls on maritime law enforcement agencies to protect maritime borders and territorial sovereignty. However, such a narrow perspective can fail to effectively counter maritime security threats and overburden enforcement agencies. A more holistic understanding of maritime drivers and actors is necessary to expand the scope beyond traditional security concerns and engage all maritime stakeholders in protecting the region's maritime commons.

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered the maritime landscape by highlighting its Importance not only in Asia but across the world because maritime trade plays a pivotal role as it supports, transforms and connects societies worldwide. Scope and scale of maritime trade...

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