Effective soft and hard skills for new managers.

To become a Manager is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and discipline. Interestingly business education engrossed on the quantitative or "hard" skills necessary to be an effective manager. However, the importance of technical skills for example accounting skills cannot be underestimated. Managers must learn what virtues are essential to excel. As both hard and soft skills are extremely important, so we have to understand the difference between "hard skills" and "soft skills".

Hard Skills or Technical Skills

Most managers are familiar with hard skills and these are what the majority of managers looks for in a job candidates. These are also known as technical skills, which means they are teachable.

Types of Hard Skills:

* Economic analysis

* Strategic planning

* Computer Programming

* Design

* Marketing

* Data Analysis

* Degree or Certification

* Proficiency in a Foreign Language

* Machine Operation

* Speed Typing

* Cloud Computing

* Licensing

* Field of Study

* Mobile and Web Development

Soft Skills or Interpersonal Skills

Soft skills are though less measurable and harder to quantify but equally important for managers.

Types of soft skills:

* Teamwork

* Communication

* Problem Solving

* Listening

* Work Ethic

* Team-Building

* Flexibility

* Creativity

* Motivation

* Adaptability

* Patience

* Leadership Development

* Time Management

* Persuasion

* Accountability

Why are soft skills important?

Though both hard and soft skills are extremely important, however, 57% of senior leaders today opinioned that soft skills are more important than hard skills. With soft skills employees effectively interact and connect with the people around them.

At Google, the hiring process is two-layered consists of what they call, "Learning and Emergent Leadership" abilities. In the first stage of getting a job at Google, they examine and review "Learning" abilities. This is where they look at technical and cognitive skills, which are known as hard skills. During the second stage of its hiring process, Google looks less for traditional leadership skills. What they really want to see are more "Emergent Leadership" skills.

Similarly, Apple, IBM and Bank of America, as well as Google, no longer require applicants to have a college degree.

8 Most in-demand Skills in 20's

* Time management

* Communication

* Business writing

* Creativity and innovation

* Leadership

* Sales

* Marketing

* Data analytics

Time management

Time management" is the...

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