Climate change greatly affecting our home, the Earth.

Byline: Nawal arif

Global warming and season al variations have caused a huge affect to every partof the earth. Scientists have been looking over the climate change of the earth; they say that from 17th century and onwards, changes in world climate patterns have been observed which badly affecting the natural balance of environment . Climate change has disturbed everyone and suffering is increasing. The intensity of heat has been felt in other countries of Europe including Great Britain. After last December, heavy snow fell in Europe while the intensity of heat is increasing since June. Droughts in the UK are increasing every year. The rains are decreasing surprisingly; temperatures in the UK this year have tipped over 38 degrees and normal life has been thrown into disarray. On the other hand, South Asia, especially india and Pakistan, are suffering heavy losses due to heavy rains. Recently, the conference of world leaders in Glasgow, United Kingdom, whose one-point agenda was 'climate change', environmentalists said very openly that if the world leaders still do not come to their senses, when it would be the time to notice the deteriorating environment ? The earth is not the same as it was three years ago, a lot has changed. All scientists and experts participating in the conference agreed that the rate of change has to be stopped or at least brought to the level of 1960. But the reason is that the big industrial capitalists on the world level are not ready to accept the hypothesis that climate change and global warming have been going on for centuries. it is a very true and obvious fact that all the things that man has invented for his comfort are becoming a headache. in fact, the biggest and most important problem of the world is the uncontrolled growth of population. China has launched a one-child scheme to curb population growth. india still seems unable to control its population. Observers say that in no time india will surpass China in population. it is a fact that on the one hand, the population is increasing exponentially and on the other hand, the depletion of natural resources and food are becoming major problems. The world Food Organization of the United Nations has stepped up efforts to solve this problem, but the global food problem is getting worse. Ukraine, which was the main supplier of wheat and other grains in the world, has stopped supplying grain because the land and sea borders have been blocked by Russia, and Russia...

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