Better than others?

Sometimes, we meet people whom we think feel they are better than others, or, we find organizations and companies where people think they are better than those working for sister organizations and companies. There are countries, too, where people consider they are better than others, sometimes for good reasons, you may say, but that doesn't allow for arrogance and superiority feeling. There are class differences in all countries, and the upper classes somehow seem to feel better than the lower classes, irrespective of how they made their fortune and got into high positions. Even in our time, creed, colour and race define where we place ourselves on the ladder of status, and where others place us.

This year, the Muslim and the Christian month of fast, Ramadan and Lent, overlap most of the time, and sometimes those who fast feel better than others who are not able to do it. True, maybe they are indeed better, or more sincere in their faith, but we should not boast about it as faith is a gift by the grace of God, not by our own achievement.

In the Bible (Mark 12:41: 44), there is a story about a man who donated a huge offering in the temple, and he did it so all could see and be impressed. On the same occasion, there was a poor widow, too, who humbly and quietly gave just a few copper coins. But she was the one who gave the most, Jesus/Isa told his disciples, because she gave all the money she had to live on. The Bible and Quran teach us to help the poor and needy, and it is a requirement in Islam to give 'zakat'.

Ramadan and Lent are meant to be a time when we deepen our faith and relationship with God and fellow human beings. I feel a duty to write about it, too, making my very modest contribution. We must learn to be tolerant, open and accommodating to people of other faiths, classes, creeds and colours. Irrespective of our religion and denomination, we should not feel better than others, or lesser, just equal, helping and praying for ourselves and others on our common journey through life. Certainly, we feel thankful for the faith God has given us, which we have a duty and right to keep up, indeed strengthen during this holy month.

When I began planning today's article, a news item in the Norwegian Christian newspaper 'Dagen' caught my attention. It presented the results from a study about religiosity in Norway, saying that Muslims are more committed to their faith than Christians are. Muslims are more orthodox and diligent in the...

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