Adapting to a changing world.

The next generation living across the world is in for a surprise. The world's resources are near depletion and the atmosphere is becoming a challenge to survive in. The world of the 1900s has been radically changed into a dystopian horror narrative as we prepare to enter 2023. With the advent of the first industrial revolution to the fifth version of the same on the verge of beginning, the world has changed beyond imagination. The humans have moved from standing in awe as they saw the Wright Brothers fly the airplane in 1903 to working in the metaverse by interacting with digital avatars while sitting in the comforts of their homes and offices. We have transformed from cavemen to innovators; from explorers to inventors.

We live in a fast-moving competitive world that is changing as we speak. Several jobs no longer exist including linotype operator, knocker-upper (those who woke up people), town crier, and bematist (someone who calculated distance).

We are indeed living in tumultuous times where information is readily available at our fingertips. The challenge is to turn the information into actionable points so it can be turned into wisdom. This is possible when students are facilitated to learn rather than compelled to memorise. Students must understand the concepts and practices of the corporate world to analyse how to adapt to the changing times.

Imagine a world where students become teachers. We are living in such an unprecedented era. The youth are often seen sharing words of wisdom and information with their elders. They gather information from the internet and research more about it. They...

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